
StoryboardArt is the #1 resource for visual storytelling training

A results-driven story learning environment

Learn from industry professionals

Network with like-minded storytellers

Our goal is to train the next generation of great storytellers for the entertainment industry.
Your artistic success is our top priority.  

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Even if you're just starting out, we will guide you along step by step

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 If you are a designer or animator and want to improve your storytelling 

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Even if you're currently working or have other life commitments

Meet your Story production Team

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Sergio Paez

Story Supervisor and Co-Founder

Sergio Paez is an animation director and veteran story artist. Sergio was most recently an episodic director on the Star Wars Resistance and Star Wars Rebels series from Lucasfilm. His film credits in the United States and Europe include projects for Pixar, Lucasfilm, Sony, and Sega. Sergio is a founding member of  StoryboardArt.org.

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Anthony Rivera

Co-Founder and Creative consultant 

Anthony has worked in the architecture, engineering, entertainment, and gaming industries. His specialties include project management, and community growth and social media collaboration. Anthony is a founding member of StoryboardArt.org.

Keely Ludick

Production Supervisor
and Student Success Specialist

Keely specializes in administrative technology and is responsible for handling communications internally and externally. Keely is a powerful force in the workplace and uses her positive attitude and tireless energy to conquer challenges and provide solutions.

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Daniel Delgado

Technical Director

Daniel is a Web Developer and Technical Director with experience creating desktop and mobile projects, multimedia, virtual reality, augmented reality and web. His projects include Game Mechanics Developer for Videogames, and TD and Pipeline Tools developer for films.

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Chad Pickrel

Operations Manager

Chad Pickrel is a story artist, streamer, and alumni of the StoryboardArt Mentorship. He is a Community Mentor and Moderator for the StoryboardArt mentorship program. You can find his stream at twitch.tv/armaturkeyRL. You can also find him on Instagram as shadowjacked.

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Wahab Algarmi

Community Mentor and Writer

Wahab Algarmi is a comic book and storyboard artist that has been creating comics since the early 2000s. His major works include several issues of "Titillating Tales", "The Town O' Crazies" anthology and the highly regarded, "The Society of Unordinary Young Ladies". He resides in Oakland CA with his wife, son, and daughters.

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Financial Officer

Andre earned a BS Degree from Pepperdine University in International Business and a MBA from the University of San Francisco.
Prior to joining StoryboardArt Andre worked as a mortgage banker and enjoyed a successful career in real estate finance. 

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Dara Delgado

Designer and Creative Consultant

Dara has a background in industrial and graphic design. Her various projects include event design and execution for digital and physical media companies in print, 3D, and website applications. 
