Storyboard drawing workshop Live Event
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About the presenter
Sergio Paez is an animation director and veteran story artist with over 25 years of industry experience. Sergio was an episodic director on the Emmy Award winning series Star Wars Resistance and Star Wars Rebels from Lucasfilm. His film credits in the United States and Europe include projects for Pixar, Lucasfilm, Sony, and Sega. Sergio is a founding member of the visual storytelling community Sergio’s book "Professional Storyboarding: Rules of Thumb" is the definitive guide for the story professional.

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About Storyboardart
StoryboardArt is the online community for visual storytelling and sequential art. Through our online classes and workshops, professional storyboard artists teach the storytelling principles not commonly found in art schools or traditional learning environments. Learn, build your network, showcase your art, find work, and collaborate with other industry professionals.
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